Today's double murder of a White female reporter and a cameraman underscore the sometimes-deadly dynamics of race and responsibility in the 21st Century.
Despite a bi-racial president who fancied himself a racial unifier, it's clear noteworthy percentages in my Generation X and Millennials are anything but unity-minded regarding race, For decades I've told White peers that after my generation there would be no diplomats brokering domestic détente. The contemporary continuum of conflict since the Michael Brown riots and advent of the Black Lives Matter disruption protest movement bear brutal witness to this warning.
Black people no longer reliably suffer in silence as a form of appeasement to heavily armed guardians of a status quo we did not create. This by no means discounts the epic progress of the Civil Rights era. As a direct beneficiary, I would never proverbially spit in the sainted faces of giants like Charles Hamilton Houston and his Howard University Law School student, Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.
Today's case of Vester Flanagan reinforces the end of diplomacy as an accepted Black norm in the face of real or perceived disrespect. Reinforcing respect is a foundational ethic of my free security activism and its organizational expression, SWS: Security Within SELF. We know only too well the excesses which lack of respect can sanction within some aggrieved souls.
Critics may wag bony fingers and spin the above as sanctioning the targeted assassination of White people. Since I don't possess the mindset for such behavior, their wagging is in vain.
My point is offering a frank assessment of the state of 21st Century race and responsibility. I and my brothers have been street referees between the Black and White scorpions in the bottle called America. We've supported claims of racial bias against Blacks and opposed acts of crime against Whites.
It seems this street referee role may be gaining new urgency as today attests.
Only time will tell where the issue of 21st Century race and responsibility is headed, but I must confess it doesn't look good.
Wise words on the topic from Shawn James, Understanding Vester Flanagan/Bryce Williams and Workplace Racism
Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black. Free Security Activist. SWS: Security Within SELF organization founder.
The respect representative ( hereafter, respect rep ) is a protective, preventative evolution parallel to that of the police and private security officer.
It is an SWS ( Security Within SELF ) model promoting social collaboration among Black people in high stress situations as opposed to White social control models of an officer, public or private, who acts as a surrogate for law makers or clients,
Obviously, social control is not an exclusively White construct, as evidenced by a cursory review of police and private security services in African and Caribbean nations. We also add security companies founded and agencies led, by American Blacks to the list.
The respect rep seeks to partner with the individual to co-create an outcome that is peaceful via basic self-governance. This alternative negates the pressing need for police or private security intervention.
If this is the era of " Black Lives Matter " disruption protests-eerily similar to the majority White Occupy Wall Street tactics-the respect rep is a counterpoint to it as well. Our view is internally protecting and mentoring ourselves while others pursue redress from the larger society.
Between the social control representative of the police or private officer and the disruption representation of Black Lives Matter stands the respect representative.
The respect representative seeks to enlist aggrieved Black people as partners in their own protection and prevention, as opposed to the old " cat & mouse " construct of surveillance and detention.
The respect representative addresses basic lac of self-governance, individual and collective, at the heart of Black confrontations or worse, violent crime.
Basic self-governance is the goal of SWS uniting the protection and prevention wings inside the Black community.
While others can assist-and frankly, often hinder us-, the ultimate job is ours and ours alone.
Black culture can be the domain of protectors who mentor and mentors who protect, within our persons, families, friendships, workplaces, streets and events.
The more respect becomes of standard, chiefly self-respect, the less need there will be for externally sanctioned police and private security.
That's what makes respect representatives a viable alternative to outside models of social control.
Nadra Enzi aka Cap Black, a respect rep for decades in the Hostage Hood & its events. Free Security Activist. SWS: Security Within SELF organization founder. 504 214-3082.